Nursing Standard

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Smiling woman greeting an interview panel

Job interviews: how to prepare for and succeed at them

Advice from a career coach to help dispel any nerves, plus how to answer common questions

Hull Royal Infirmary, where Linda Heath died from sepsis following care failings

Failure to refer to district nursing before woman’s sepsis death

District nurse referral did not happen after information was missed from discharge summary

Pat Cullen

RCN leader Pat Cullen quits so she can seek selection to stand in general election

General secretary who took nurses into historic strikes stands down in bid to become MP

A group of nurses in uniform sit talking in a workplace setting, as if during a group clinical supervision session

Protected time for clinical supervision: which nurses will benefit from new rules?

Properly protected supervision time aims to enhance skills and avoid burnout

A male nurse with patient, illustrating story about low percentage of male nurses in UK

Where are the men? Nursing profession fails to attract males

Report calls for ‘dismantling of stereotype that views nursing as suited primarily for women’

Illustration shows person putting their fingers in their ears to show how the NHS is said to be in denial about racism

‘We need to get comfortable talking about racism in the NHS’

Why is it so hard for nurses to talk openly about racial discrimination at work?

Evidence and Practice

End of life care

End of life care: how nurses can use a compassionate approach

Considering each person’s symptoms and concerns through the lens of compassion

Remote prescribing consultations: exploring the principles of effective practice

Remote prescribing consultations: exploring the principles of effective practice

How you could enhance the use of remote consultations in your nursing specialty

Nurse independent prescribing: exploring the opportunities and challenges

Nurse independent prescribing: exploring the opportunities and challenges

Identify the benefits and barriers to increasing the number of nurse independent prescribers

How to undertake a scoping review

How to undertake a scoping review

Understand the main steps involved and what types of evidence can be included

Role of the addiction clinical nurse specialist in acute hospital settings

Role of the addiction clinical nurse specialist in acute hospital settings

Understand the benefits of the role and potential barriers to its introduction

Impaired kidney function: supporting the safe use of medicines for patients

Impaired kidney function: supporting the safe use of medicines for patients

Understand the nurse’s role in ensuring pharmacological safety for individuals


 Nurse behind seated patient stoops slightly and has her hands on his shoulders to express warmth and reassurance. Touch is a powerful way to show compassion in nursing

Using touch to show compassion: tailoring non-verbal communication to the individual

Judging when it’s appropriate to touch a patient or relative – and when it’s not

Bad manager

How to handle a bullying, weak or incompetent boss

Tips on initiating constructive conversations and where to seek support over poor leadership

A nurse in scrubs is frowning and hunching her shoulders in a sign of distress

Under excess pressure? The emotional signs of stress and how to deal with them

Tips for identifying worrying signs and supporting yourself and colleagues

Illustration featuring five different NHS uniform tunic colours, from left to right: indigo, green, sea blue, navy blue and light blue

Uniform approach: what we like about our standardised scrubs

Nurses from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the pros of their nations’ uniforms

Illustration shows healthcare staff around a table formed from a clock face to suggest a team approach to rostering

Rostering: could more control over your shift timings transform your work-life balance?

Team-based rostering pilots point to improved staff retention and greater collaboration

An illustration showing a smiling nurse in uniform standing in front of a crowd, represented by several sets of hands raised high and clapping

Daunted by public speaking? Tips to take you from nervous to confident

Nurse experts share their advice on how to prepare well and engage an audience


Illustration of nurses’ general election voting decisions show ballot papers flying down into a ballot box marked ‘NHS’

Why this general election matters to every nurse in the UK

Whether you have an appetite for politics or not, your vote on July 4 counts

A stoma bag is positioned on a patient’s abdomen by gloved hands

Stoma care: tips on how to support patients, dispel myths and banish stigma

Practical advice on nursing care and addressing individuals’ lifestyle concerns

Illustration of weighing sometimes conflicting interests in nursing care of patient choice against harm prevention shows scales with one frowny face on one side outweighed by multiple, smaller smiley faces

Patient choice versus harm prevention: where do you strike the balance?

Shared decision-making means providing information that allows informed consent


Two nurses, one holding a reference book and the other a bottle of medicine, consult a display board in a ward setting

What does ‘prescriber-ready’ mean for nursing students?

And why not everyone will be ready for a prescribing course as soon as they register

Illustration of multi-professional teamwork in healthcare shows staff in different uniforms standing together, arms around each others’ shoulders. We see them from behind

Multi-professional teamwork: what you learn from it on clinical placement

Find out how to make the most of learning opportunities in the multidisciplinary team

Image showing a group of people in profile representing different races and cultures, with different dress, hair colour and skin colour

Settling in as an international nursing student: tips and support

The interventions that can help, from cultural events to peer support and orientation


Image of a nurse holding a large arrow and pointing to a target as she runs up a flight of steps, as if planning her future career moves

Should you have a five-year career plan?

How networking, mentors and social media can help you set and reach your goals

Illustration showing several nurses in uniform, seen from behind, walking along a winding pathway towards the words ‘nmc SIFE pathway’, with two large hands supporting them

Help for overseas nurses struggling to get on the register

How a new pathway has helped hundreds who narrowly failed their English language tests

Two nurses sitting at a table and chatting, with an open notebook in front of them, as in a nurse-mentor relationship

How to find a mentor who can meet your needs

Seek a mentor who can enhance your confidence and competence, but also challenge you
