Exhibit bookings close on Monday, 3 June! Secure your booth for the ESHRE Exhibit 2024 in Amsterdam and be part of the action.

The Istanbul consensus update is now ready for stakeholder review

ESHRE and Alpha Scientists in Reproductive Medicine have once again come together to update the Istanbul consensus document originally published in 2011.

We would like to invite you to review the document and submit your feedback by 17 June 2024. This is your chance to share your opinion and help us to develop this important document.

Implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

ESHRE, as part of a large coalition of health stakeholder organisations, welcomes the agreement on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation and provides key recommendations to ensure the EHDS will be implemented in a way that provides most added value for patients and European health systems.

ESHRE launches factsheets to highlight environmental threats to fertility and reproductive health

ESHRE Press Release
Governments must act now to address the effects of climate change and air pollution on fertility rates and reproductive health, says a document published by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).

ESHRE statement on the recent Alabama supreme court ruling

With its recent ruling in the case of LePage v Mobile Infirmary Clinic, the US Alabama Supreme Court decided that a frozen embryo is legally equivalent to a child. This has caused international outrage.
ESHRE adds its voice to the condemnation of this ruling.