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The Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook

Education, Textbooks, General Medical Info

Last modified 10/11/2017. Comments to: Chris Thompson


Listings of upcoming conferences

Important Anaesthesia Sites

Instead of searching the whole net, browsing a dedicated anaesthesia site can give you a great overview of 'what's out there'.

The Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook is an international, organised, comprehensive and accessible listing of anaesthesia resources in a textbook style format.

The World Federation of Anaesthesia Societies (WFSA) through Update in Anaesthesia and the World Anaesthesia Society provide very extensive educational and information resources.

Other excellent sites include Gary Malet's substantial and extremely well organised listing of general medical and anaesthesia information in the Medical Matrix site (now requires annual fee for registration), the Martingdale's Medical and Surgical - Anesthesiology Centre (with 170k of links to all kinds of medical and non-medical sites), AnesthesiaWeb, hosted by Roche, which contains links to Duke University's educational material (free subscription required).

InVivo is a large French language site with anaesthesia sections. Narcomed are a German site with links to many European and international anaesthesia and toxicology sites.

E-Medicine is a comprehensive free on-line textbook of emergency medicine, with chapters now on almost any branch of medicine. Respiratory Product News is a great ventilation resource.

The ASA Closed Claims Project includes amny other userful pages.

Several sites stand out as 'reference' sites for certain geographic areas, and their significant local content makes them worthwhile places to visit:

Australia - Australasian Anaesthesia
Canada - Ottawa General.
Europe - InVivo (France, French) - Spanish, en Espagnol, the Austrian Anesthesia site (German)
USA - the Mexican Anaesthesia site,
South Africa - The Worldwide Anaesthetist - lectures, case histories etc.

For a lighthearted musical view of anaesthesia, visit the Laryngospasms' web site (mp3 trial versions available free) and for visual humour try

Keith Ruskin's GasNet was a common starting points for US anesthesiologists, but has not been actively maintained since 1 Jan 2006. A historical copy remains here. AJ Wrights extensive ACCRI (Anaesthesia and Criticial Care Resources on the Internet) listing no longer exists.

The Utopian Surgery site describes the history of anaesthesia and the case against it.

Please contact the Chapter Organiser if your site should be mentioned here!

Resources for trainees:

  • Not really on-topic, but the student BMJ is pretty good!
  • Mark Finnis has excellent lecture notes for the primary and fellowship ANZCA exams; also intensive care notes and exam hints.
  • The Basel Red Book.
  • Thomas Faunce sells a 377 page annotated Australian College of Anaesthetists and ICU primary exam syllabus for $A50.00.
  • is a UK based medical education and job support/placement company.
  • iGasLog an iPhone app for case logging from iMobileMedic
  • The Online Anaesthesia Portfolio is also available on the iphone

Multiple choice questions (MCQ's)

Other sites, lecture or study notes, often in point form:

Case Conferences:

Textbook sales (online ordering)

Icons, images and clip art:

General Medical Resources:

Medical translation services

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Original concept for the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook by:
Dr. Chris Thompson
Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Sydney Australia